Monday, January 11, 2010

So, I'm sitting at work. Nothing more interesting than that. Actually, sometimes it CAN be really interesting... just not right now. Which is PRECISELY why I'm blogging. Oh, how cliche'. Why is it that I've been so anti-blogging when I will never shut up? You'd think that I had plenty to talk about... but once I get on here, I ramble. Sort of like I am now. Maybe I should google "blog topics" to find out what to talk about.

FOUND IT. Woot, woot. Fill in the blank. My personal recipe for __________:

Disaster? (Perfected) Becoming a criminal? (Not so much) Starving on a budget (Huh?) Living on caffeine? (Been there, still doing that) Boring the shit out of your blogging audience? (I would, but I have no audience)

There you go. That was my first blog.

The End.

*Wow. Much easier than it looks...


  1. Profound Monique... I wasn't bored to death with that. Thank you for the insight on your brilliance.

    Audience member #1


  3. Hey HO! You better add me as a friend.. Just sign into your account and click on LAYOUT, edit and add friends. Just type in this tysonandwhitney.blogspot then make sure you press SAVE :)
